Friday, June 3, 2011

She- atomic

she - atomic by shemusic

When I'm at work, I turn the 'safe search' off on google images. Then when porn comes up-- it's totally not my fault.

Slow day in the world of music.
So I'm digging up one of my favorite tracks from a year ago. 'She' is the DJ personality of Lain Trzaska from Sweden. The track was released on an album called 'Orion', which when taken as a whole-- tells the story of an anime style princess who is isolated on a space station.

Clues to how the story goes are on the She website. I'm in awe of the work that went into this.

Also-- 123Mrk
123Mrk - Noname by 123Mrk


  1. That pic looks like a real nukey explo lol. Great music.

  2. Yet again another two great tracks :')

  3. That She track reminded me of the Gorillaz for some reason.

  4. Interesting that the music has such an elaborate back story

  5. sneaky google, trying to show you porn while you're working
