Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Blende- words (Douze remix)

(Picture taken from google>images>words)

Blende - 'Words' (Douze Remix) - FREE DOWNLOAD ! by La Bombe

Mission accomplished on the fireworks. R.i.p. neighbor's recycle bin.

Douze is from Paris, and he's been laying waste to synth tracks for the past year. Before stepping out solo-- Douze worked under (and then with) Kris Menace, and then he co-produced a project with Alan Braxe which hasn't been released.

Do your music collection a favor, and take the free download.

Also-- SPACE LACES from the U.S. of A.
SPACE LACES - Disco Bloodbath (Mixcut) by SPACE LACES


  1. Digging the second track, loving the spaces between!

  2. Words is refreshing. I need this.

  3. again, nice songs man! like the free download one!
